Friday, October 31, 2008

Michelle's Top 5 Scary Things

Just in time for Halloween, here are my top 5 scariest scenarios:

1. A McCain/Palin win.

2. Some terrible accident involving my child and my partner leaving me to wander the earth during a McCain/Palin 4 year stint.

3. Any scenario where Palin is POTUS.

4. Tina Fey swears off comedy for good.

5. I am labeled a Republican due to my fondness for the color red.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Inigo Montoya:
You keep using that word. I do not think it means, what you think it means.

While I did promise to make my blog more mommy-like, I just could not resist the compulsion to post one political blog this close to the election. With many political pundits suggesting that poll numbers are increasing for McCain in battleground states with early and absentee voting, I am drawn to recall the 2000 election, where I sat in the home of a good friend in Oakland as Florida was first called for Gore than Bush. I am getting a whiff of that familiar feeling and I hope and pray that those who say they are going to vote, do and that despite any polling errors, computerized glitches or outright voter disenfranchisement, Obama pulls through.

I cannot fathom the inconceivable.
BTW Doesn't McCain look like Wallace Shawn (Vizzini from Princess Bride)?
